How to keep fit for your cabin crew medical

Cabin Crew Medical Checks

If you are soon to become a cabin crew member and are worried about your upcoming medical or you are in charge of cabin crew staff and want to ensure they stay fit and healthy ahead of their regular medicals, we’ve got some top tips for you. 

What is a cabin crew medical? 

A cabin crew medical is a medical check up that is legally required for all cabin crew members before they assume the role and then every 5 years after that. It is required to ensure that individuals maintain the necessary level of health and fitness to carry out their duties efficiently and safely.  

How can you stay fit and healthy ahead of cabin crew medical checks? 

The role of a cabin crew member is a demanding one as you will find yourself on your feet for long periods of time as well as being required to bend, stretch and reach safely all within a confined space. In order to stay fit and healthy enough to pass your cabin crew medical you can follow these simple tips: 

Get into the fitness habit 

Whether you’re a gym bunny, a solo runner or a team sports fanatic, taking part in regular physical exercise helps to improve your cardiovascular fitness and stamina. Setting time aside each day, week or however often you are able to fit in with your work schedule, will get you into the fitness habit. 

Build core strength 

With all that bending, stretching and lifting required to help ensure passengers have a comfortable and enjoyable flight, you’ll want to build up your core strength to make your day to day activities easier. Practising yoga or pilates to improve your fitness and posture is a great way to help ensure you can pass the cabin crew reach test. 

Go swimming 

It’s a requirement for all cabin crew members to be able to swim at least 25 metres without the aid of a flotation device, so practising your swimming skills is another way to prepare for your cabin crew medical checks.  

Eat a healthy diet 

With lots of stopovers, long shifts and early starts it’s easy to get into bad habits when it comes to nutrition, but a poor diet can lower your overall health and fitness levels and make you more susceptible to illness.  Here are a few tips to follow to help keep you healthy: 

  • Drink plenty of water to ensure you stay hydrated, especially when flying 
  • Avoid or cut down on alcohol 
  • Avoid processed foods 
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Don’t skip meals 

Look after your mental health 

It’s not just your physical fitness that you need to pay attention to but also your mental health. Keeping in a good state of overall wellbeing will help to lift your mood, which is really vital when you’re working long and often unsociable hours. Keep in touch with your friends and family but don’t feel guilty for putting yourself first.  

Exercise has also been shown to improve mental health, so make time for activity as often as you can. Even if a 15 minute walk is all you can fit in, your mind and body will thank you for it. 

Following these tips can help to prepare you or your cabin crew staff for initial or renewal medicals. To book a cabin crew medical in London please contact us on 020 8528 2633 or click here to book your appointment. 

Aviation Medicals
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